Since the beginning of time, i have always wanted a motorcycle! My search to find the perfect bike was never an active search, though mostly due to the lack of money needed to purchase such a beautiful piece of machinery. This last month, after my dad's return from China, he bought the exact bike i had then been dreaming out. The jealousy was too much. The bike was too beautiful, and i had the money to finally fulfill that empty dream. Over the next month i spent hours each day looking and researching the many different bikes to fill my hearts desire. I finally found her! A Honda Shadow Ace 750. Loaded with chrome, saddle bags, cobra pipes, K&N filter, and a sissy bar. B-E-A-UTIFUL!!!
While putting the money together for the purchase I began to think if this was the smartest thing to do with my money. I realized that i needed the money for my business. I needed a new computer and a new camera. The money needed for the business expenses was enough to set me back half the amount of the bike.
The deliberations were torture and the nights were endless. . . . . The bigger man won. I put off the boy and his dream for his bike so that the man could move forward and begin his path to independent wealth and financial security. I got my Macbook and a Nikon D80.
Oh but the boy WILL get his bike, just not today.